
Insolvency and arbitration traditionally do not mix well, as they embody somewhat contrasting legal policies. The Singapore Court of Appeal highlighted in Larsen Oil and Gas Pte Ltd v Petroprod Ltd (in official liquidation in the Cayman Islands and in compulsory liquidation in Singapore) [2011] 3 SLR 414 that:



Restructuring and insolvency proceedings often span different jurisdictions, requiring the cooperation of the respective countries' insolvency regimes. In its role as an international hub for restructuring and insolvency, Singapore has in place a framework for the effective management of cross-border insolvency proceedings. This takes the form of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, which has been enacted in Singapore in an adapted form ("SG Model Law").



202212 月,中国最终结束了长达 3 年的新冠疫情遏制措施。作为按名义 GDP 计算的世界第二大经济体和按购买力平价计算的最大经济体,世界一直在屏息期待着中国经济在推动全球经济反弹中做出贡献。

尽管中国在 2023 年第一季度实现了4.5% 的增长,但信号仍然喜忧参半。 《南华早报》2023430 日报道称,中国制造业采购经理人指数下探 49.2,为改革开放后的最低水平。 文章称,国家统计局的一位高级经济师认为,4月份下滑的主要原因是“市场需求不足和一季度制造业快速复苏的高基数效应”。 这显示,中国的提振效应需要时间来沉淀。 与此同时,许多公司和企业集团可能在陷入困境并寻求整顿、重组或清算。 这其中不乏在全球各地都有投资和业务的公司和企业集团。



Businesses are increasingly spreading their footprint across jurisdictions, be it through the diversified locations of their assets or operations. What this means is that, if and when the need to resolve financial distress arises, such businesses may need to select a forum that will serve as an effective base for the management of the cross-border legal issues.



As Singapore continues to advance its position as an international hub for restructuring and insolvency, it has implemented a number of changes to its legislative framework. One of the key developments has been the adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency ("Model Law"), which has been given force of law in Singapore. The Model Law provides procedural mechanisms to facilitate the conduct of cross-border insolvencies.



In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have been severely impacted. The Singapore government thus introduced the Simplified Insolvency Programme ("SIP"), which seeks to support micro and small companies ("MSCs") to restructure their debts or to wind up. The SIP has come into effect on 29 January 2021.

The SIP comprises two separate programmes which eligible MSCs may apply for:


Financial difficulties are not uncommon in the course of a business’ lifespan, and though there may be the threat of insolvency, there are a number of alternative avenues through which a company may stave off winding up proceedings. In Re Conchubar Aromatics Ltd [2015] SGHC 322, the Singapore High Court examined restraint orders against insolvency proceedings under s210 of the Companies Act, which deals with schemes of arrangement.

S210 prescribes a series of stages for the implementation of schemes of arrangement, including the following:



When a company enters liquidation, the appointed liquidator often needs approval from the Court or a liquidation committee before she can perform certain acts on the company’s behalf. The English High Court case of Gresham International Ltd v Moonie [2009] EWHC 1093 (Ch) established that even where the liquidator has failed to obtain such approval before acting, the Court has the general discretion to grant retrospective approval.